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Coutinho Bros.

Photo Gallery

The Coutinho brothers established perhaps the first commercial photographic firm in East Africa. They had a studio in Zanzibar and then later also one in Dar es Salaam. In the 1890's J.B. Coutinhohad a brief partnership with A.C. Gomes.

The images below show some of the artists best work. Click on the small photos to see a larger image.

Click on the small arrows near the row of photos to see all 9 examples.


Zanzibar Woman

This attractive early (about 1890) kanga ensemble helps explain why Kanga clothing became so popular when first imported to east Africa.

Coutinho Photo Gallery A. C. Gomes Gallery A. P. deLord Gallery Harji Photo Gallery Capital Art Studio

Compiled by Barghash. 2004

All rights reserved Barghash@msn.com

For more examples of the works of J. B. Coutinho click this link: Coutinho examples