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Zanzibar Mosques
- Many Stone Town mosques are of simple construction.

- The Mnara mosque is amoung the oldest is Stone Town. It is also sometimes called the
Malindi Mosque because of it's location in the Malindi neighborhood of
Zanzibar City.
- The Hujjatul Islam mosque has one of the most ornate exteriors.

- The Laghbari mosque has one of the finest interiors.

The Bagh Muharmi mosque has the tallest minaret.

- The Kizimkazi mosque, located south of Stone Town, was built in 1107
AD and is the oldest on the
main Island (Unguja). It is still used today by the people of Kizimkazi

- Here is an ancient (apx.1300 AD) mosque-ruin on Pemba I photographed in
2000, near Ras Mkumbuu.

- These are images of only a few of the mosques of Zanzibar there are many

- No survey of East African mosques would be complete without mentioning The
Great Mosque at Kilwa. A sometimes partner, sometimes competitor of old
Zanzibar, this island city-state well south of Zanzibar built the largest
ancient mosque south of the Sahara. The extensive mosque-ruins on Zanzibar's
Tumbatu Island may have been a precursor of this beautiful type of design.

Mosque References
Created by Barghash@msn.com 2003
